Made in Japan, this 88-key model of the Grandstage feature the Real Weighted Hammer Action 3 (RH3) keybed. The SGX-2 acoustic piano sound engine offers five grand piano sounds that have all been lavishly captured using instruments from Berlin, Heidelberg, Austria, Japan, as well as a newly sampled Italian grand piano. These grand pianos are considered world-leading classics. The EP-1 electric piano sound engine contains a total of six vintage electric piano sounds: the classic I, II, V, and DMP tine piano models, and the 200 and 200A reed piano models. Three different organ sound engines are provided: CX-3, VOX and Compact.
Daily rental price; for two days multiply by 1.5; for a week multiply by 3 (21% of VAT not included. Price not valid on islands.) Check rental conditions
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