28 Terrassa Jazz Festival

As every March, the Terrassa Jazz Festival has been held and for another year, Call & Play has been its backline provider.

This year has been the 28th edition and also the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Club de Jazz d'Amics de les Arts i Joventuts Musicals de Terrassa.

Among the almost three hundred participating musicians and thirty-six concerts, we find artists such as the World Saxophone Quartet, Lonnie Brooks, Dave Holland and Pepe Habichuela, Didier Lockwood, Ahmad Jamal, drummer Jeff "Tain" Watts, saxophonist Phil Woods, Brian Lynch , The Cookers, Jim Snidero, Jordi Farrés, Charles Toviller, the Big Band Terrassa, Sergi Sirvent, Enrique Oliver, David Pastor, Big Mama, Ignasi Terraza, Josep M. Farràs, Pedro Ruy Blas, Francesc Capella, Jordi Gardeñas, Laia Porta , Lluís Coloma, Julián Sánchez, Clara Luna, Enric Carreras, Dani Nel.lo & Myriam Sawnson, Llibert Fortuny, CMS Trio ...

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