Farewell to an epic 2022. Ready for 2023.

At the beginning of 2022, the enormous desire to make up for lost time and reconquer the space that the party and music seemed to have lost during the previous two years could already be guessed. As the weeks passed, and the restrictions of the pandemic were lifted, the explosion of music programming of all kinds and formats became a reality, leading to a summer that was more intense than ever.

Festivals, tours, tributes, all styles of music, large concerts and small concerts,... It has not been easy to keep up with so much activity, but thanks to the foresight, some substantial improvements -such as the change of warehouse in Madrid- and the capacity of the people who make up the Call & Play team, we have ended the year with the feeling of having accomplished our duty.

We say goodbye to an epic 2022 and welcome 2023.

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