Backline cruise

One of the newest and also one of the most innovative aspects of the work of Call & Play has been to provide backline equipment for various cruises during the summer of 2012. Among the artists involved, stands out the Dave Koz Cruise, which holds a special place in the world of music, and sailed from Barcelona on the 26th of September, before returning on the 3th of October, after visiting several ports in the Mediterranean sea aboard the Serenade of The Seas.

Dave Koz, who is a renowned American jazz saxophonist, has been the host of a one week holiday at sea punctuated by visits to historic ports, good wine and good food, with the attraction of live jazz as background music for the trip.

In the picture, we can see Dave Koz with David Negre and Oriol, the two Call & Play technicians during the cruise.

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