Elijah Wood and Bösendorfer Imperial starring in Grand Piano

After his successful spell at the Sitges Film Festival, Grand Piano comes to spanish theaters on October the 25th. It’s an unusual thriller directed by Eugenio Mira and whose main caracters are actor Elijah Wood and a Grand Piano Bösendorfer.

On October the 18th, the presentation of the movie took place inMadrid, with the assistance of the director and the star of the film, and the presence of a Bösendorfer Imperial piano from Call & Play, which is the same as the one that appears in the picture.

Elijah Wood gave some clues on the movie : “It’s a Hitchcockian thriller type of movie, in the sense that this is a man who is playing the piano at a classical concert and he becomes an hostage without the public ‘s knowledge and communicating just through an earpiece with the unknown assailant and the situation becomes more and more complicated” the actor said in an exclusive interview to Europa Press.

He also stressed that one of the virtues of the Grand Piano is his original proposal to create tension and intrigue. “Almost the entire movie takes place in a real time performance, and that’s why it’s exciting”, says Wood, who confesses that he devoured the script by Damien Chazelle and immediatly loved it .”It was unlike anything I had read before” he adds.

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