Deivhook with Yamaha, Call & Play and Nike

The “Monkey-Boy” that is revolutionizing the concept of drumming inSpainhas a name : DEIVHOOK. This young promise belongs to a new generation of drummers. With a law degree and a high-polished technique acquired during a stance in the US, he has created the first “Monkey Drum” national channel on Youtube and today he can boast of being the most watched drummer on Spanish network.

Here we see him with Javier Ochoa, from Yamaha Music Europe, in the Call & Play warehouse inMadrid, preparing the drum kit with which he will perform at the “San Silvestre Vallecana”, for an event sponsored by Nike.

The Drumkit is a Yamaha Absolute Maple Hybrid, the rack is a HEXRACK, cymbals and gong are Paiste.

A triumph to come !

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