Pablo López 360º: A piano and a voice

The most intimate and special tour by Pablo López from Malaga arrived at the Vistalegre Palace in Madrid on September 20 to show himself this time without any blind spots. Giving a review of his discography, he moved freely around the stage surrounded by his audience, sang via Facetime with Alejandro Sanz and Antonio Orozco and once again moved the 12,000 spectators who attended the event.

The stage was arranged almost like a movie set with different environments. Call & Play brought several Clavia Nord Stage 88, a Yamaha C3 and a Yamaha NU1 Hybrid Upright that our tuner set up before the singer and composer gave free rein to the different versions of his songs. And although we are used to seeing him behind the piano, this time he also sat down to sing while playing on our Fender Telecaster American Deluxe.

Another special fact about this tour is that Pablo López will donate part of the proceeds from the concerts to the Asindown Foundation.

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