Presentation of Mikel Erentxun’s new album

This February Mikel Erentxun has presented his new album, 24 Golpes, with promotional, acoustic concerts at various FNAC; in Castellana (Madrid), in Arenas (Barcelona), Donosti,Zaragoza,Valencia and Callao (Madrid).

He has played a Martin acoustic guitar rented from Call & Play at all the concerts except Donosti, where he used his own.

According to Mikel Erentxun, he’s gone back to rock n roll with this new album. He drinks from his first influences: Beatles,Bowieand the sounds of the early 70’s. It’s direct, dry and austere with minimal arrangements, electric guitars and fractured vocals. The album contains 10 tracks which are full of emotion with the passing of time, love and its consequences as the main themes.

All the music has been written by Erentxun as well as most of the words. It has been recorded and mixed in Waterfront studio, Hudson, New Yorkby Henry Hirsch (who often produces Lenny Ktavitz ). The sound is 100% analogical. The album is released by Warner Music.

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