Radio 3 in Valencia’s Rambleta

Radio 3 held a tribute party to the Valencian cultural explosion at the Ram Club Espai Rambleta inValenciaon April 26. This special live program on Radio 3 has enjoyed performances by representatives of the Valencian young musical bands, like La Habitación Roja, Tórtel, Polock, Dwomo, Soledad Vélez, Reno, Carolina Otero, or the Cookin Soul Dj set

They were accompanied by representatives of Valencian art, cinema and culture and Call & Play has been the supplier of the backline for musical performances.

The Espai Rambleta is an initiative from the Department of Culture of the City ofValencia. The place brings together the current creation, production and emerging multiform artistic proposals. The program offers scenic experiences, exhibitions and demonstrations of contemporary art with the vocation of offering open space for the creators of today and propose new ways for more opened minds.

The building has seven floors and is equipped with modern and cutting-edge facilities including a theater for more than 600 spectators, a café-restaurant, several music rooms for single occupancy and shared practice rooms, a library, two multipurpose rooms for exhibitions, and two floors of underground parking.

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