Silvio Rodríguez at Wizink Center in Madrid

Cuban singer-songwriter Silvio Rodriguez has performed in Madrid, at the Wizink Center on October 2, within a tour called "La Espera Terminó". On this tour he presents his latest album entitled "Para la Espera", released in June 2020. It contains unreleased songs composed by Silvio and recorded in the first versions of him shortly after. The instruments and voices belong to the Cuban author himself.

Call & Play supplied the magnificent Yamaha S7X piano, as well as the backline (drums, percussions, vibraphone and double bass) and the music stands and risers.

A few days before, on Sunday September 26, we were also with Silvio Rodríguez at the Miguel Ríos Auditorium, de Rivas-Vaciamadrid.

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