The Boaty Weekender, the musical cruise

Plus de 20 groupes ont embarqué pour la croisière qui a traversé les eaux de la Méditerranée entre le 8 et le 12 août. Le bateau aller-retour Barcelone – Cagliari a offert près de 50 concerts et un vaste programme d’activités aux 1800 participants.

The creators of the festival, Belle & Sebastian, like the rest of the bands, offered more than one concert with a different format thanks to the arrangement of its 5 stages. Five members of Call & Play embarked on this adventure to equip each stage space with their full backline. Groups like Mogwai, Camera Oscura, The Vaselines or Hinds among others completed the experience.

A este crucero le siguieron dos más: “Keeping the Blues Alive at the Sea”, con Joe Bonamassa y amigos, i “Runaway to Paradise”, con Bon Jovi como cabeza de cartel.

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