Stands for music

Lecterns for orchestra, for the conductor, for jazz, conferences, press conferences ou cerimónias de entrega de prémios.

Stands for music and events

If you need more than one hundred music stands for an orchestra, with a music stand and a podium for the conductor, you will find them in this section of Call & Play. We also have padded chairs suitable for musicians, and methacrylate screens for sound insulation.

If instead what you are looking ar music stands for jazz, we have several models especially suitable for this type of event, as well as others suitable for conferences, press conferences or awards ceremonies.

Other featured services

They meet the standards of safety, resistance and capacity, as protection against fire or water.

Two types of dance floors: flamenco floor and vinyl or linoleum floor.

Solutions related to the adaptation of backline equipment.

Black, white or fluorescent colours, it has characteristics that make it essential on any stage.


Conoce el catálogo que Call & Play tiene para ti

The different lines of specialized products and services are integrated to offer you a global service.


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