Electric Power Solutions

Solutions related to the adaptation of backline equipment.

In the current section, we focus on providing solutions related to the adaptation of backline equipment to the power supply that exists on a specific stage

From power adapters to reconcile electrical connectors from different sources, to transformers of different sizes and capacities to solve for our customers any complications caused by the voltage differences between the devices belonging to artists from other countries and local power. 

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and power stabilizers are also part of our offer.

Other featured services

They meet the standards of safety, resistance and capacity, as protection against fire or water.

Two types of dance floors: flamenco floor and vinyl or linoleum floor.

Lecterns for orchestra, for the conductor, for jazz, conferences, press conferences ou cerimónias de entrega de prémios.

Black, white or fluorescent colours, it has characteristics that make it essential on any stage.


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The different lines of specialized products and services are integrated to offer you a global service.


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