1.6-inch thick SORBER sound absorption baffles outperform the industry standard 1-inch thick baffles by at least 50%, and are especially efficient at absorbing lower frequencies. SORBER baffles feature a compressed fiberglass core that is encased in a tough Velcro-receptive charcoal gray cloth and are available in free-standing, Velcro-tackable or booth lid system models. All SORBER products are extremely efficient at soaking up sound and enjoy Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) ratings greater than 90%. Measures: 44" High, 48" Wide.
* Precio de alquiler diario; para dos días multiplicar por 1,5; para una semana multiplicar por 3 (21% de I.V.A. no incluido. No válido en islas.) Consultar condiciones de alquiler
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