Pearl Percussion’s PHD-1000 Djembe stand is the ultimate in portability and ease-of-use. The PHD-1000 stays attached to the drum for transport (it fits virtually all styles and brands) and sets up in seconds by simply swinging the legs outward. When done, simply pull the knob attached to the hinge and the legs automatically collapse and nest against the drum while exposing an ergonomic carrying handle! The PHD-1000 is perfect for drum circles, music camps, schools, marching/field percussion, or anywhere a quick, sturdy, and hassle-free set-up is needed.
* Precio de alquiler diario; para dos días multiplicar por 1,5; para una semana multiplicar por 3 (21% de I.V.A. no incluido. No válido en islas.) Consultar condiciones de alquiler
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