The heart of the Xone:DB4 is the powerful Quad FX Core DSP engine, enabling each channel to have its own FX bank and BPM detection system, which automatically adjusts all time-related FX and loops to the tempo of the music. There are 5 studio quality FX types optimised for DJ use - delays, reverbs, modulators, resonators and damage – plus each FX type has a patch library of different effect variations. Each FX bank has a dedicated expression control and a rotary pot to set the wet/dry level, whilst further tweaking can be performed using the global controllers in the FX master section. X:LINK uses a standard RJ45 connector and distributes power and data allowing connection to X:LINK compatible devices, saving USB ports on your computer.
* Precio de alquiler diario; para dos días multiplicar por 1,5; para una semana multiplicar por 3 (21% de I.V.A. no incluido. No válido en islas.) Consultar condiciones de alquiler
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