The 2 RU four channel D20 amplifier is ideally suited to mobile and installation applications which require low to medium Sound Pressure Level (SPL) capabilities. The D20 features the same Digital Signal Processing (DSP) platform as the latest generation of d&b amplifiers, containing configurations for all d&b loudspeakers except the J-Series and the M2 monitor, plus a linear mode. The signal delay capability enables user definable settings of up to 10 s (= 3440 m/11286 ft), which can be applied independently to each channel. The same applies to the two 16-band equalizers, providing optional parametric, asymmetric, shelving or notch filtering.
* Precio de alquiler diario; para dos días multiplicar por 1,5; para una semana multiplicar por 3 (21% de I.V.A. no incluido. No válido en islas.) Consultar condiciones de alquiler
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